Tuesday 12 November 2013

Time is money is lemon difficult!

I'm trying to freelance. I want to be a writer. My days are hectic with the dogs. And now, there is another venture in the household - actually more like two ventures. Mine is writing and freelancing. I am discovering where my biggest problem lies, when it comes to being self-employed - solo, not as a partner.

I am disorganized. Woefully, dreadfully, irreparably devoid of self-organization skills. Since birth? Maybe. Since recovery? Perhaps. Currently? Definitely. You would never guess it if you'd have spotted me behind a desk at one of my previous illustrious jobs as an executive assistant or receptionist. I was praised for being well organized. Inside I had a little chuckle at such kudos.

Well, guess what: I can keep you organized. I am well-versed in keeping my work life and home life separate; that is, when my work life is not in my home. In those situations of yore, I kept my work life neat and tidy and my home life a mess. I lived to go to work. I transformed myself. I might as well have stepped into a red telephone booth on my way to the office.

St. Paul's Cathedral, London, England
Case in point: I set out to organize my desk somewhat today. It is quite disheveled and bothersome. I have an interview to participate in via email for a magazine called alive (I will leave out the link right now as it's not yet published or even completed), and I need to gather some of my canine body work materials to answer some of the questions. Do you think I can find my canine body work materials? Actually, I think I can. Scratch that question. Do you think I have room to lay out my materials on the tiny patch of pine table that is my desk? Abso-smurf-ly not! So my mission today was...is... oh dear. Will this blog post even be worth the procrastination? Sigh.

Here I go. Fifteen minutes to feeding time for the 11 dogs, and I decide that now is the best and most appropriate time to begin sorting out my work space and answering interview questions. Ha.

Wish me luck!

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