Saturday 2 November 2013

A day in the life

04:00 - Get woken up by dogs. Let dogs out. Stumble to bathroom. Maybe step in some pee. Clean it up. Let dogs in. Go back to bed.
05:00 - Coffee starts brewing.  Dogs wake up again. Begin playing. Let dogs out. Do stretches on the floor while fighting off playing dogs with large, happy tongues and tails flailing about.
05:30 - Begin second coffee. More stretching attempts. Discuss dogs, the previous day, dreams of the night, how everyone slept, and the day ahead. Never finish coffee.
06:30 - Let dogs in and out periodically, as demanded. Sort through new emails and Facebook page messages. Tidy up, start laundry, put in toast.
07:00 - Feed dogs. Refill dishes for supper. Put laundry in dryer, start another load - this one a dog bed cover that has been pooped on. Mull over possible reasons for accident. Let dogs out. Pick up poo by the light of a flashlight because it's still very dark outside.
07:45 - Say goodbye to partner, who is leaving for another job (internship at animal sanctuary). Get all dogs outside. Pick up poo. Keep one large, "special" dog on leash and do laps of the park while crazy smaller dogs run around and bark and play.
08:15 - Get all dogs inside for water and drink most of second coffee. Apply for freelance jobs online, monitor internet feeds for jobs and leads. Watch an amazing YouTube video of Robert Downy Jr singing on stage with Sting. Re-post.
08:45 - Separate dogs in different yards for arrival of new guest dog, a little laid-back Beagle. Beagle arrives. Let him sniff and mark around side yard while attempting to chat with his mom and dad over the din of the other dogs.
09:00 - Integrate all the dogs. Do loops of corral, supply fresh water, pick up poo, engage dogs in play, supervise all interactions. Keep special dog on leash.
09:30 - Let most senior dog inside house to rest, as well as another smaller dog that is a little cold. Give chickens water with apple cider vinegar. Say good morning to them.
09:45 - Bring out balls to throw, separate dogs into two groups, play. All dogs off leash. Pick up poo. Encourage continuous movement so all dogs get exercise and play.
10:15 - Put more dogs inside. Give chickens food, clean coop, put down clean straw, and hang a tarp over their run where the feeder is, as there is a snowfall warning for today.
10:30 - Go get an escape artist dog (one of our own) from the cat area. Put her inside house. Play with remaining dogs outside. Put things away in shed before snowfall.
11:00 - Pick up all balls so they don't get lost in snow. Usher last remaining dogs inside. Change out laundry. Label dish for new guest and measure out his supper. Eat cereal. Talk to partner on phone and text. Blog.
11:30 - Still on laptop. Need something to drink but put it off, so as not to disturb the dogs' peaceful slumber.
13:00 - End laptop time. Must stretch and eat lunch, and let dogs out. Snowing out now, but very peaceful and beautiful day so far.
13:10 - LOL. As soon as I say "so far", I hear a racket in the bathroom. Beagle has opened lid to garbage and taken out used tampon to snack on. No kidding.
13:15 - Dogs sleep after begging for my lunch. Accidentally drop a mushroom but it is a big disappointment. Make toast and omelette, note that we don't have as many eggs in the fridge as a few weeks ago. Read a novel while eating. Do the dishes. Change out the laundry.
14:00 - Go out into the snow with all the dogs. They have been getting restless and need an afternoon romp outside.
14:45 - Surprise! My partner comes home early due to the snow! Everyone is happy - the dogs and me. :) She takes the two special needs dogs (i.e. leash boy and escape girl) out for their own off leash walk in the naturalized park.
15:15 - Discuss dogs and internship. Drink greens and make tea and take vitamins. Choose family portrait for Christmas cards.
16:00 - Feed dogs and refill dishes.
16:30 - Email book keeper and accountant about last year's taxes and what we still owe the government. Oy vey!
17:00 - Shower. Make dinner. Discuss future plans.
18:00 - Tend to surgery site on a dog. Check email again. Load up our own supper dishes and head to watch a movie on Netflix!
21:21 - Long movie finally finished. All dogs extremely sleepy and ready for bed. Their aunties and mamas are sure ready for bed too. Good night, everyone - one final count and separation before lights out. Quick note of tomorrow's major comings and goings and reminders. Teeth brushed. More stretches and some ibuprofen (for me, not the dogs).
Today was a good day. :)

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